Performance Max is a new goal-based campaign type that allows performance advertisers to access all their Google Ads inventory from a single campaign. It’s designed to help you find more converting customers across all of Google’s channels like YouTube, Display, Search, Discover, Gmail, and Maps.
Machine learning includes two factors: goals and training data used to generate/optimize models.
Performance Max allows us to set goals and optimize by including audience signals. Basically, Performance Max is a giant Machine Learning model.
The biggest difference between us humans and AI is the difference between an action based on Explicit instructions or learning from data.
For humans to solve problems, we need to know the steps and processes of how to solve the problems.
However, for AI to solve the problem. The question to ask is: do we have the data to solve the problem?
AI doesn’t even know how the problem is solved. As long as there is data to solve the problem.
When you create keywords and ads, you are giving explicit instructions. You are solving the problem of finding a relevant audience based on experience and knowledge of the domains.
Again, great effort. but can be costly and limited.
When you create an AI-based campaign (e.g. performance max campaign), you focus on feeding the model good data to help solve the problems. For example, when your Asset group has strong audience signals, amazing product video assets, and a great organization from the Google merchant feed, they are likely to see significant positive results in ROAS.
Of course! keywords are still the primary currency of the paid search world.
Keywords are relevant! but assets are more important!
When you focus on keywords you focus on push strategy (increase relevancy relying on keywords match)
When you focus on asset building, for example, ensuring you have worthy content that provides high value to users, is a pull strategy (draw the audience by improving the quality of asset)
Push strategy takes effort
Pull strategy takes effort to build assets but it is the asset you own.